A Heartfelt Thank You and a Warm Welcome

By Richard Isaac, Richard.Isaac@sierraclub.org

While there are many volunteers who’ve done outstanding work, I want to give special thanks and appreciation to someone who has worked tirelessly in a number of capacities vital to keeping our Chapter successful.

My deepest thanks goes to Ken Johanson for his tireless dedication and long hours of work as our Chapter chair, Chapter fundraising chair, and Chapter legislative chair and his unwavering commitment to the environmental cause. Unfortunately, due to health reasons, he has stepped down after two decades of incredible service.

For 11 years Ken did an extraordinary job as Chapter chair with thoughtfulness, skill, and grace. In that role, he kept our Chapter in solid financial health and, even more important, was a strong, effective advocate for the environment. He next served as our Fundraising Committee chair and consistently led that committee’s efforts in raising substantial resources for our Chapter for several years until he recently stepped down.

Ken’s initial forays into the environmental movement were with other environmental organizations, where he stuffed envelopes, performed trail maintenance, and even did some pro bono legal work. However, he found that because those other organizations were largely staff driven, it wasn’t all that fulfilling at some level. When Ken discovered the Sierra Club via a group executive meeting, he was pleased to find that the meeting was run by volunteers and that within the Club he could satisfy a need to be actively involved in the decision-making process.

When he took over from the able leadership of the previous Chapter chair, his number one goal was not to “break” anything, with another goal being to find ways of strengthening our Chapter’s financial base.

He accomplished both objectives and devoted an incredible amount of time to proposed state legislation. When he stepped down after over a decade as chair, the Chapter was a strong, effective organization in excellent shape.

Ken, while all I can say is thank you for your long and dedicated service with our New Jersey Chapter, please know that it’s from deep within my heart.

A Warm Welcome

I addition to thanking Ken, I also want to wish a warm welcome to Robert “Bo” Petrillo as our Chapter’s newly appointed wetlands issues coordinator.

Bo clearly is qualified for this position, as he holds a Master of Natural Resources degree and is a certified Professional Wetland Scientist.

Bo received an undergraduate degree in biology with a focus on conservation from Arcadia University in 2012 and a Master of Restoration Ecology and Habitat Management from the University of Idaho in 2021. Since 2012, he has worked in the environmental consulting industry as a professional wetland scientist and certified ecologist. Bo’s main specialty is wetland preservation and wetland restoration. He also focuses on environmental permitting and threatened and endangered species population studies and habitat identification and management.

We’re glad to have Bo on board and look forward to him helping us preserve our state’s wetlands.

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