Sierra Club Holds IRA Congressional Roundtable on Ida Anniversary

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Sierra Club Holds IRA Congressional Roundtable on Ida Anniversary

On the Anniversary of Hurricane Ida, the Sierra Club, New Jersey Chapter held a roundtable with some of New Jersey’s Congressional Delegation, including Congressman Andy Kim, Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill and Congressman Tom Malinowski to discuss the recently passed Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) benefits it will bring to the state, and how the law will help New Jersey prepare and adapt to another storm like Ida.

Tropical Storm Ida battered New Jersey from September 1st 3rd with flash flooding, tornadoes, and high winds. Hurricane Ida was New Jersey’s second deadliest storm, killing 30 people, more than any other state. These storms are yet another reminder that our shore and inland areas must be prepared for climate change and sea-level rise.

The landmark Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 will take critical steps to eliminate climate pollution, prevent the most catastrophic impacts of climate change and will make historic investments that lower costs for families.

“Exactly a year ago, NJ was hit by Hurricane Ida. A storm that shocked our State with 30 lives lost, loss of property and environment, loss of a sense of security and the not so radical notion that this is our new normal. Severe weather and uncommon inland flooding is our new normal. We commemorate all that we lost a year ago, on September 1st”, said Anjuli Ramos, NJ State Director for the Sierra Club. “NJ is ground zero for some of the worst climate change impacts, and immediate help and climate action is needed. The Inflation Reduction Act is just that, a package of provisions with monumental climate action that will help NJ protect itself from the thread of climate change by enhancing resilience, helping the communities that need it the most and addressing the problem at the root: the reduction of carbon emissions; and moving away from the volatile geopolitical fossil fuel market. NJ Sierra Club thanks the NJ Congressional Delegation for their commitment to deliver this needed help and action to our State.”

“In New Jersey, climate change is not an abstraction. It is five feet of water in our basement,” said Representative Malinowski. “The Inflation Reduction Act will speed our transition to clean energy and reduce the pollution and greenhouse gas emissions causing extreme weather. I’m glad to have delivered these historic investments to communities in my district, which will bring peace of mind to residents for generations to come.”

“It was a pleasure talking about some of the crucial climate investments today that we passed in the Inflation Reduction Act that will protect our climate, reduce air pollution, and protect and preserve the Jersey Shore, all while creating jobs and bringing down utility costs for New Jersey homeowners and renters” said Congressman Andy Kim (NJ-03). “Thank you to the Sierra Club for bringing us together to talk about these important topics and investments. I will continue working hard to make sure these investments and their positive impacts come to New Jersey so we can protect and preserve our communities and our environment for generations to come.”

“It is wonderful to see the impact the Inflation Reduction Act will have in New Jersey and across the nation,” said Rep. Sherrill. “I find it particularly resonant given that this is the one-year anniversary of Ida – a stark reminder of how important this legislation is to protecting future


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