Historic Day for the Environment: Biden Passes Inflation Reduction Act

For Immediate Release

Historic Day for the Environment: Biden Passes Inflation Reduction Act

President Biden has signed the landmark Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. This law will take critical steps to eliminate climate pollution, prevent the most catastrophic impacts of climate change and will make historic investments that lower costs for families.

The Inflation Reduction Act will put us on the pathway to reducing our carbon emissions by 40 percent by the end of the decade. By investing billions of dollars in clean energy, we will transform how we power our communities. We will continue the electrification of vehicles and ensure they're available to every person, regardless of income. We will build safer, cleaner, and more cost-effective buildings and homes. And we will generate millions of well-paying jobs, transforming our economy.

“It’s a great day for the environment! President Biden has passed a monumental bill whose positive impacts will be felt for generations. The Inflation Reduction Act is a historical investment in climate, renewable energy, green jobs, and more. Billions of dollars will be allocated for things like solar and wind, clean transportation, building energy efficiency, creating sustainable jobs, and will help reduce energy costs for over a decade,” said Anjuli Ramos-Busot, NJ State Director for the Sierra Club. “The Inflation Reduction Act is a major step towards sustainable family jobs, healthy communities, and more. We thank our Congressional and Senate leadership for their continued commitment to protect our environment, our health, and reduce climate impacts.”

Unfortunately, this law also reflects the outsized influence of corporate polluters in our politics. Leasing mandates seek to lock in a continued role for the fossil fuel industry in already heavily polluted places like the Gulf South and Appalachia, while expanding operations in the Arctic. It is unacceptable that this oil and gas leasing will be tied to clean energy development, threatening frontline communities. Moving forward, the Sierra Club will continue the fight alongside these communities to limit the harm and maximize the benefits of this bill.

“While today is a victory for the environment, the Inflation Reduction is not perfect. It does not include language that would buy back active leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge nor does it include language that would retract Arctic drilling as part of the 2017 Tax Act. The Inflation Reduction Act also contains provisions that could open up millions of acres in the central and western Gulf of Mexico for new leasing. It’s imperative that we work to protect these incredibly sensitive areas from drilling and any other exploitation,” said Anjuli Ramos-Busot, NJ State Director for the Sierra Club.


The Sierra Club is not only the nation's oldest and largest environmental group, but one of the most influential when it comes to making political endorsements. The New Jersey Chapter of the Sierra Club has close to over 80,000 members and supporters in New Jersey and 3.8 million members nationwide.  


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