ExCom Meeting Highlights

From The Jersey Sierran, July - September 2022


March: Jamie Zaccaria was appointed to the Elections Committee and Denise Brush was appointed offshore wind issues coordinator.  The chapter voted unanimously to recommend Rep. Donald Norcross (NJ 1) and Rep. Donald Payne (NJ 10) for US Congress. The chapter also approved a revision of the standing rules for the Legislative Committee to allow a staff member to vote on the committee as designated by the chapter director. An ad hoc committee was created to discuss the issue of which committees report to the Executive Committee (ExCom) and which report to the Conservation Committee (ConsCom). Finally, a motion was approved to endorse the preservation of Drew Forest.

April: ExCom voted to endorse Rep. Josh Gottheimer (NJ 5) for Congress. The following resolutions were approved: authorizing ExCom to determine which committees are eligible for representation on ConsCom, and allowing a representative of a conservation-related committee to have a vote, so long as there is no existing issue coordinator for that issue; supporting offshore wind farms in New Jersey; and opposing the Colts Neck Manor development. The committee voted on two resolutions to be sent to the Council of Club Leaders (National Sierra Club). One, written by our Elections Committee, would support establishing a more secure and reliable electronic ballot system for holding chapter and group elections. The second would declare per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) as hazardous airborne pollutants and would support federal legislation directing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to lower the allowed limits of these chemicals. The Sierra Club and the EPA have focused on these hazardous chemicals primarily as water pollutants. 

May: Dennis Anderson and Howard Stein were appointed to the Offshore Wind Committee and Gary Frederick was appointed to the Communications Committee. The motto for The Jersey Sierran was changed from “Approximately 21,000 Members in New Jersey” to “Fighting for a cleaner and healthier New Jersey for all!” ExCom voted unanimously to ask the Council of Club Leaders to encourage the Sierra Club Board of Directors to support the redesignation of the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area as a National Park and Preserve. Hunting groups oppose the change. ExCom approved limiting news content from individual groups to 440 words in the print edition of the Sierran, although more material can be submitted for inclusion in the electronic edition. Groups may contact Sierran Editor Tony Hagen if they desire exceptions. 


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