What Blows in the Wind and Retires in May?

From the April - June 2022 Jersey Sierran


Question: What happens to thin plastic carry-out bags and paper carry-out bags on May 4, 2022?

Answer: Banned!

This ban is strictly for the thin plastic bags used at retail stores and restaurants to carry out items and does not include trash bags, in-store bags for loose food items (eg, fruits, vegetables, grains, meats, fish), small bags sold in multiple packs (eg, resealable), bags for prescription drugs, bags for meat or fish, and newspaper or garment bags.

The use of carry-out paper bags is banned only in grocery stores that occupy 2500 square feet or more.

Shoppers can use cloth bags or reusable thick plastic bags with woven handles, which are commonly sold at stores for $1 or less. 

Question: What happens to plastic (polystyrene) food containers and service items on May 4, 2022? 

Answer: Banned!

Polystyrene (foam) food containers and service items will be banned from use or sale by food service providers in New Jersey such as restaurants, food trucks, grocery stores, movie theaters, retail stores, and nonprofits handling food. 

Banned polystyrene items include cups, plates, trays, egg cartons, and cutlery.

Current exemptions include manufacturers’ prepackaged food items, small portion cups (2 oz or less), disposable, long-handled spoons for thick drinks, trays for refrigerated raw meats, fish, and poultry. Presently, these items are exempt until May 4, 2024.

Plastic straws were banned in November 2021, with the exception of customer requests.

More information on the bans can be found at: www.nj.gov/dep/plastic-ban-law/#foam_products

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