Sierra Club Joins Congressman Pallone at EV Infrastructure Press Conference

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Sierra Club Joins Congressman Pallone at EV Infrastructure Press Conference 

Asbury Park- The Sierra Club, New Jersey Chapter joined Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. today at a press conference where he announced that New Jersey will receive $15,448,790 to build out the state’s electric vehicle charging infrastructure, paving the way for a more robust and convenient network of chargers across New Jersey. The funding is part of the effort to construct the first-ever national network of EV chargers and will deploy chargers across both urban and rural areas. Anjuli Ramos- Bosot, New Jersey Director of the Sierra Club released the following statement: 

“Thank you Congressman for your leadership as Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee and for ensuring that NJ gets its fair share of money  to continue the most important transition of our century, the transition out of fossil fuels.

“This morning we woke up to terrible news. We woke up to the fact that Russia has invaded Ukraine. Aside from the horror this is for the people of Ukraine, this is an abuse of power that is already generating a catastrophic cascade effect onto the entire world by destabilizing not just our economic markets but also our energy markets. The second thing I read this morning was that the Brent Crude oil index reached $100 per barrel last night for the first time since 2014 as Russian forces launched an attack on Ukraine. Now, I do not know about you, but I am tired of depending on a highly volatile fossil fuels market all intertwined in politics and in war. 


“That is why this step into building a more robust network of EV chargers across New Jersey is imperative and so necessary. It allows us to keep breaking away from fossil fuels, it allows us to be more energy independent and of course it allows us to reduce carbon pollution while breathing cleaner air. This infrastructure will pave the way to more green jobs, to a green economy, and away from bad air quality days, away from overburdened communities suffering from enormous amounts of diesel exhaust and away from diesel fumes in the cabins of our children’s school buses. This is a necessary step in order to deal with our climate crisis. 

“I cannot wait for the imaginable day when we see more electric cars on the roads than gasoline and diesel, and this infrastructure will significantly help to get us there. I thank you again Congressman for your leadership and for your work on this. I’m looking forward to the EV future.”



Photos | ⒸTaylor McFarland Photography

About the Sierra Club: The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with millions of members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information about our work in New Jersey, visit

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