Electric School Bus Bill Passes Senate

For Immediate Release
Media Contact: Taylor.McFarland@sierraclub.org


Yesterday the Senate State Legislature passed S4077(Deignan). The bill requires DEP to develop and implement electric school bus program; provides for $15 million in first year and $15 million annually in subsequent two years to DEP, subject to availability, to provide grants. The bill passed with a vote of 35-3. 

“This bill will help our children breathe easier. It’s important to get EVs moving in New Jersey and starting with school buses is a great idea. Not only will this reduce air pollution for the children riding it, but for all of the communities that the school buses go through. Cars, buses and trucks are the leading source of greenhouse gases in the State - electrifying school buses is a big step forward when tackling climate change,” said Anjuli Ramos, Director of the Sierra Club - NJ Chapter.


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