Senate Passes Budget That Still Raids Clean Energy Fund, NJ Transit Capital $ - Shameful

For Immediate Release
Contact: Megan Steele,

The Senate has passed the state budget (S2022 / A5870) for FY22. This latest budget would take $360 million from NJ Transit capital funds for operations and maintenance. It also takes $82 million from the Clean Energy Fund for NJ Transit. 

“The Senate just passed a budget that will rob $360 million from NJ Transit capital funds for operations. This takes away the chance for NJ Transit to expand routes or transition to electric buses and trains, hurting commuters and the environment,” said Taylor McFarland, Acting Director, Sierra Club New Jersey Chapter. “What’s worse is that the budget also raids $82 million from the Clean Energy Fund for NJ Transit. This is downright shameful. The Governor committed to stopping these raids when he ran for office four years ago, but they have continued. Over $2 billion has been taken from the Clean Energy Fund since 2010, and Murphy has done nothing to stop it.”

The Clean Energy Fund is supposed to support projects that make our homes more resilient, such as weatherization, along with energy efficiency and green jobs. However, since 2010 the fund has been raided by over $2 billion total.

 “Given the extraordinary surplus in the state budget this year, it is inconceivable that the legislature and Governor Murphy would not fully fund NJ Transit’s operating budget.  After four years, his promises to rebuild NJ Transit have fallen flat.  But the legislative leaders share equal blame in this fiasco,” said Bill Beren, Transportation Chair, Sierra Club New Jersey Chapter. “The budget for NJ Transit is built on one shot revenues, and leaves NJ Transit in a bad way for fiscal year 2022/23 and in the future.  It is past time to establish a stable funding source for such an important foundation of NJ’s economy.”

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