Warehouse Solar-Ready Bill Released from Cmt.

For Immediate Release
Contact: Taylor McFarland, Sierra Club, NJ, 7328-865-1405


Today the Senate Energy and Environment committee released S3504(Smith)/ A3352 (Pinkin). The bill requires all newly constructed warehouses to be solar-ready buildings. The bill would apply to any building, room, structure, or facility of at least 100,000 square feet used primarily for the storage of goods intended for sale. 

“The Sierra Club, NJ Chapter believes construction of a warehouse should comply with the highest standards to incorporate clean energy technology and to reduce emissions. This includes integration of Solar generation systems on roof and parking lots. In order to minimize complications and costs, new warehouses should be solar ready,” said Taylor McFarland, Chapter Coordinator, Sierra Club- NJ. “This legislation will help the state improve its solar energy capacity, increase green jobs, and help fight climate change.”

The bill would require the Department of Community Affairs, in consultation with the Department of Environmental Protection, to adopt rules and regulations establishing standards for the design and construction of solar-readybuildings. 

"An ideal solution for Community Solar. It serves to protect the environment and financially helps the Low and Moderate Income Families,” said Abbas Salim, Home Solar Issues Coordinator, Sierra Club- NJ


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