Murphy Vetoes Red Tape Bill - Critical to Protect Enviro Regulations

For Immediate Release
Contact: Megan Steele,

Governor Murphy vetoed a bill that would have weakened environmental and labor regulations. A4810 (Pinkin) / S441 (Oroho) creates the Government Efficiency and Regulatory Review Commission, which would recommend amendments to rules, regulations, or Executive Orders that “unduly burden the State’s businesses, workers, and local governments” according to the bill description.

The Sierra Club New Jersey Chapter sent a letter urging Governor Murphy to veto this legislation in March (attached). In Governor Murphy’s veto message, he stated that “there is no need to revitalize a Christie administration-era commission that my predecessor set up to illustrate his commitment to slashing regulatory protections to a national audience.” 

“With this veto, Governor Murphy is protecting critical regulations that safeguard our health, the environment, and worker safety. This bill would have taken care of corporate interests over public interests. It could have meant more pollution in areas that are already overburdened by pollution. It also could have weakened health protections and worker safety regulations, which are more important than ever as people go back to work during the coronavirus pandemic,” said Megan Steele, Communications Coordinator, Sierra Club New Jersey Chapter. “We are glad that Governor Murphy listened to our concerns and vetoed this legislation.”

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