Asbury Park Blocks Private Beach Club

Immediate Release

Contact: Jeff Tittel, NJ Sierra Club, 609-558-9100

Last night the Asbury Park mayor and town council passed a resolution asking iStar to halt work on their private beach club. The council told iStar to come back with a new plan that meets the environment and economic concerns that were raised during the hearing. iStar also plans to build a private pool club east of Ocean Avenue between 6th and 7th Avenues with an entryway to the beach.  iStar plans to replace the boardwalk with a very narrow paved pathway on the beach from 7th Avenue to Deal Lake Drive. 

“In a small win for public and open space, Asbury Park Council has halted iStar’s private beach club proposal. The council and mayor rejected this plan for now, but it could be coming back. iStar’s proposal would have not only reduced public beach access but would have caused more flooding and more pollution for the city. Beach access and the boardwalk are critical for the community. That area belongs for all of us and is held in the public trust,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. “A luxury private pool club does not belong in Asbury Park. We are glad the council and mayor took action last night. They need to protect parts of this area for everyone to use by rejecting the plan altogether and not letting iStar come back with a smaller project that is just as bad.”

Over 300 residents showed up at the council hearing. The line of people wrapped around the building and further. Some residents stood outside for over an hour to get inside because the building was at max capacity. The mayor and council will now turn to its Redevelopment Council to see if the city has the authority to shut the iStar project down.

“iStar’s luxury private pool club and impermeable pathway would have only brought in more runoff, flooding, and pollution to Asbury. Rain storms are happening more frequently and in greater frequency and sea level is rising.  We cannot be building anymore development in flood prone areas, especially when we are seeing 100- year floods occurring every few years,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. “A private pool club goes against what Asbury Park stands for. The public showed up with the help of Save Asbury Park’s Waterfront and the mayor and council listened. This is why it is so important for people to stand up for what is right. We thank Mayor and the City Council for halting iStar’s private pool club proposal we ask for this proposal to be thrown out altogether.”


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