2019 Executive Committee Election Candidates

The following statements by the candiates in the  2019 Executive Committee election are identical to the statements printed in the October-December issue of the Jersey Sierran.



Rich Isaac (Loantaka Group): A Club member since 1976, Rich has served as Chair and Political Chair of the North Jersey, Loantaka Group and Essex County Groups, and organized the Ocean County, South Highlands, Skylands, and Hudson County Groups. Now serving as both the Chapter’s Chair and Chapter Effectiveness Chair, Rich is also currently serving on the Club’s national Political Committee. For his efforts, he has received the Chapter’s Political Action Award and Outstanding Group Chairperson Award. Rich enjoys quiet walks in the woods with his wife.


John Kashwick (South Highlands Group): A member since 1992, John currently serves as Chapter Vice-Chair, Political Committee Chair, and Wildlands Issues Coordinator.  John is the co-founder of the LGBT section and previously chaired the North Jersey Group.  He is also a member of the Club’s National Parks and Monuments Team and has traveled to 50 of the 61 U.S. national parks.  He has led numerous outings and participated in training and political advocacy on behalf of federal, state, and local land preservation.  He enjoys cooking and hiking with his partner and their two dogs. 


Stan Greberis (Jersey Shore Group):

Sierra Club: Co Conservation Chair, Environmental Advocate Mentor, Letter Writing Committee Person, Fund Raising Committee Person & Life Time Sierra Club Member.

Additional Service: Political Committee and past lead person for Endangered Species.

At Work:  Facility Size 425,000 square feet with 550 employees. Led efforts to reduce our energy use, implement recycling, and educate employees on what they could do to reduce their environmental footprint at home.

At Home: Solar powered home.

Other Volunteer Organizations: Score, business mentor and advocate for energy efficiency as part of a healthy business strategy.


Paul Sanderson (Loantaka Group) – I first joined the Sierra Club in the early 1990’s and have served on the Loantaka Group Executive Committee in various positions: Membership Chair, Treasurer, Group Chair and Co-Chair. In addition, I became the NJ Chapter Treasurer on January 1, 2017. In this position, I have dealt with the Chapter’s finances, staffing, and grants, as well as getting involved in many of the Chapter’s other issues. I credit my involvement and interest in politics to my activities with the Club, having participated in many candidate interview and discussions, at both the Group and Chapter level, to decide on political endorsements