Blog posts from around the country
Maryland Chapter
Speak out at the Public Hearing! Tuesday September 12 7:00 pm
Dominion, the company that pipes fracked gas through Maryland, needs a zoning Special Exception to build a dangerous gas compressor station on Barry’s Hill Rd. None of the gas would serve…
Wisconsin Chapter
In order to protect waters statewide, Wisconsin’s Prove It First Law requires companies to show examples of a metallic sulfide mine that has operated for ten years without causing environmental ha
Wisconsin Chapter
Wisconsin’s sulfide mining moratorium law, also known as the Prove it First law, has been in place since it passed in 1998 with intentions to keep Wisconsin’s groundwater and surface water free from acid mine drainage (AMD).
Loma Prieta Chapter
(By Tanli Su)
Each day in the U.S., idling cars emit a total of 40,000 tons of carbon monoxide and waste $13 million and 3.8 million gallons of fuel. Reducing idling is a simple and effective lifestyle eco-action that will simultaneously improve our…
Cherokee Group / Tennessee Chapter / Tennessee
Dr. Jose Barbosa, professor at UTC, is the primary faculty sponsor for the Teaching and Learning Garden, involving UTC students.
Washington DC Chapter
The Washington DC Chapter of the Sierra Club issued this statement in regard to Events DC's proposal for redeveloping the site of RFK Stadium. The Chapter also encourages concerned members of the public to share their thoughts with Events DC via its…
Wisconsin Chapter
The Sierra Club reacted to the new mining Bill that Senator Tiffany began circulating for sponsorship yesterday. The Mining Giveaway Bill repeals Wisconsin’s ‘Prove-It-First’ Law and goes much further reducing our safeguards and protections from…