Citing “the potential to induce sprawling growth”, the “potential adverse impacts on prime farm land”, and “lack of proper public process”, the Sierra Club announces its opposition to Measure M in Woodland CA on the March 5, 2024 Special Municipal Election Ballot. Measure M is a vote to allow the construction of the Lower Cache Creek Flood Risk Management Project or, as it is referred to locally, the “Floodwall”.
In 2004, a majority of Woodland voters passed Measure “S”, which added a section to the
Woodland Municipal Code that provides that the City shall not fund or take any action that
supports the Lower Cache Creek flood barrier or a “substantially similar structure”.
A "No" vote on Measure M will keep that prohibiting language in the Woodland Municipal Code in its current form as originally enacted by Measure “S”, and will not allow City Council authorization for the construction and funding of the Lower Cache Creek Flood Risk Management Project.
The project consists of a 5.6 mile massive earthen structure from 6 ft to about 16 ft above grade, depending on its location, and the existing topography of the land. It will run east-west just north of the northern urban limits of the City of Woodland connecting to an existing levee on the Cache Creek Settling Basin.
The endorsement of the opposition to this ballot measure follows an extensive evaluation process by the local Sierra Club Yolano Group Management Committee, the Sierra Club Mother Lode Chapter Political and Executive Committees, and the Sierra Club California Local Measure Review Committee.
The Sierra Club has long-standing official policies designed to preserve farmland by minimizing urban sprawl onto farmland and maximizing intensive infill development. The Sierra Club opposes sprawl as a pattern of increasingly inefficient and wasteful land use with devastating environmental and social outcomes including climate change, air pollution, and loss of biodiversity.
“While the Sierra Club is supportive of efforts to protect urban areas from the adverse effects of flooding, this project actually provides protection to only a small number of homes in Woodland that are currently in the 100-year floodplain mapped by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). However, it greatly increases the risk of flooding to farmers of 6,000 acres of prime farmland on the northern “wet-side” of the proposed Floodwall. These farms are put in a functional bypass threatening their homes, wells, buildings, and equipment in the event of a future flood”, stated Alan Pryor, Chair of the local Sierra Club Yolano Group in whose area the project is located.
“Additionally, the proposed Floodwall would remove many square miles of farmland to the east and southeast of Woodland from the existing 100-year floodplain. These lands are currently owned by speculative land developers and which could lead to sprawling growth away from the Woodland City center. This project is inconsistent with official Sierra Club land use policies encouraging conservation of farmland and infill development and discouraging sprawl”, added Mr. Pryor.
For more information please contact Alan Pryor by phone at 916-996-4811 or by email at
sierraclubyolanogroup@gmail.com . The No on Measure M campaign website is at www.NoOnTheFloodwall.com
Meet the Yolano Group Leadership

Alan Pryor - Chair and Treasurer
Alan Pryor spent over 30 years as an environmental engineer commercializing different environmentally benign technologies and methods. In addition to his current roles in the Yolano Group, he also serves on the Board of Directors of three other non-profit organizations focusing on the environment in Yolo County and one non-profit serving health care needs of low income residents of Yolo Co.

Welcome! This is the local group for Sierra Club members living in Yolo county (Davis, Winters, Woodland), part of Solano county (Dixon, Rio Vista) and a small part of Colusa county. Are you concerned about environmental issues in our area? You may want to join us.
The Yolano Group management committee meets on the first Thursday of each month. We welcome your attendance and ideas. There are volunteer positions to be filled. Care to get involved? Call the Group's chair, Alan Pryor, at (530) 758-5173, or Membership Chair Jim Cramer at (530) 756-3973.
Save Money, Cut Carbon AND Help the Club by Going Solar
Protecting Wild Places...
Permanently Protecting the Berryessa Snow Mountain Region: The Berryessa Snow Mountain region of northern California is one of the most biologically diverse, yet least known, regions of the state. Located less than one hundred miles from the Sacramento and Bay Area metropolitan regions, the area is a dazzling outdoor wonderland rich in unique natural features and loaded with recreational opportunities. Visitors can find California’s second-largest population of wintering bald eagles, float the thrilling rapids of wild and scenic Cache Creek, witness herds of wild Tule elk, and catch a glimpse of black bears. Opportunities for hiking, camping, botany, birding, hunting, and horseback riding abound. The area stretches over 100 miles from blue oak woodlands near Putah Creek in the south to the sub-alpine habitat of Snow Mountain Wilderness to the north. For more information visit: www.berryessasnowmountain.org