Executive Committee

Placer Group

Harry White, Executive Committee, Placer Group

Harry White

I’ve been a Sierra Club member since the 1980s,and have lived in Roseville since 2010. Placer County has a lot going for it as a great place to live, with walking and bike trails, and open spaces. But the cities and county have not done enough to balance residential and commercial development with preserving nature. I encourage all Placer County residents to join me in using our local Placer Group to protect as much land and water resources as possible, lest our descendants live in an impoverished world.

Earlier this year we were successful in working with a citizens group in Lincoln to prevent a nature preserve from being converted into a disc golf course. “Think globally, act locally” is never truer than in Placer County, where if we don’t act locally, we’ll find our favorite grasslands and hills covered with massive subdivisions and shopping centers. People need housing and services, but it is up to us in the Sierra Club to remind our fellow citizens of the need for wild places, native plants and wildlife. Please join us in making our corner of the world a better place.

Paul Comiskey, Executive Committee, Placer Group

Paul Comiskey

I am an attorney who has a strong interest in protecting our environment.

I believe that the Sierra Club at its heart is a grass roots movement, and the local Sierra Club group is as much the Sierra Club as its director.

I am intent on helping to grow the Placer Group. We need to keep the roots alive to keep the tree alive. We are the Sierra Club.

Barry Grimm

Barry Grimm

In the many years since joining Sierra Club I’ve led hikes, backpacks, canoe and bicycle trips and served in many Club positions. Founded the Sierra Club’s Cape Fear Group in North Carolina. Stopped the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers from turning 22 miles of forested Rock Fish Creek into a dead, straight, tree-free drainage channel.

The Sierra Club taught me how to do all that and more – a life-long learning opportunity. The Club has also allowed me to remain optimistic – having provided a way to actively help protect our planet.

When we say that Sierra Club is the oldest and largest grass roots environmental organization, my journey is one small example.