July 2022 Sierran Newsletter Mid-Missouri Group Highlights (Extended)

Mid-Missouri Group

July 2022 Sierran News Update

Local Group Map

The Osage Group has been renamed to the Mid-Missouri Group. This action is being taken to respect the Osage Nation’s wishes, heritage, and contributions to our country. To further our understanding and execution of diversity and inclusion goals, the Group is starting a book club. The first book is “Supreme Inequality”. Visit https://bit.ly/supremeinequality to learn more.  Special thanks to the Osage Nation, Carolyn Amparan, Dee Dokken, and Christine Doerr for leading this change!

Successful endorsements were made in the Columbia local elections with 4 of 5 endorsed candidates winning seats on City Council and School Board. The 5th race finished in a tie. Work is underway for the August and November election endorsements.

Other activities include hikes, trail invasive species removal and input on city and county policies for development, climate action, and renewable energy. The Ready for 100 Campaign delivered 2,830 petitions and 55 organization endorsements for 100% renewable energy for Columbia Water & Light by 2030. The Group can be contacted at sc.osage.group@gmail.com.


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