July 2022 Sierran Newsletter Article: Todd

Save Money, Avoid Mosquitoes Bites and Protect the Environment

Stephanie Todd

Most mosquito “elimination” companies claim spraying rids your yard of mosquitoes. In reality, this costs money and only works for a few days at best. Spraying only kills adult mosquitoes flying during application and has no effect on eggs or larvae. This does nothing to interrupt mosquito breeding, meaning mosquitoes are back in full force after a few days. Unfortunately, these sprays are very effective at killing bees, beneficial insects, and other pollinators. Moreso, the chemicals stick to popular pollinator plants for up to thirty days, killing the insects that touch them.

A more effective way to keep mosquitoes out of your yard is to eliminate all sources of standing or stagnant water that mosquitoes need to reproduce. If you can’t do this, use a larvicide that can be purchased at most hardware stores. The larvicide only kills mosquito larvae and does not harm other insects.  

The best way to keep mosquitoes from biting is to use a personal insect repellent. Mosquitoes are attracted by the CO2 we exhale, by body heat and scents. Repellants work by jamming the mosquito's sensory signals. Everyone's body chemistry is different so you may have to try a few repellants to see what works best. Also, use electric fans around outdoor seating. This keeps mosquitoes away because they can’t fly against even a mild breeze.

Lastly, be wary of mosquito sprays that claim to be organic, especially those using chrysanthemum petals. Most of these sprays will kill insects and pollinators.