Introducing: The 30x30 Toolkit for Activists

What is 30x30?

The 30x30 movement is a grassroots-led push to protect 30 percent of lands and waters in the United States by 2030 to meet the challenge of climate change and provide space for wildlife and communities to thrive.

It’s an ambitious goal, but one that’s achievable if we all work together. We are setting our sights on protecting and restoring large, intact landscapes like National Parks, oceans and wildlife corridors, implementing land conservation strategies that contribute to climate solutions, supporting the conservation and stewardship vision and priorities of Tribal Nations, and conserving more open lands and parks near communities of color and economically disadvantaged communities.

It is our responsibility to step in and contribute to the climate solution, and ensure the survival of our lands, threatened species and communities. We have to quickly decarbonize our economy
and draw down significant amounts of carbon pollution from the atmosphere. Public lands can sequester carbon and increase ecosystem and community resilience to the impacts of climate change. With smart land conservation and management practices, we could offset 21 percent of US greenhouse gas emissions and preserve much-needed habitat for increasingly imperiled wildlife.

Achieving the 30X30 goal will require immense political will, creative advocacy strategies, aggressive policy-making, and an energized grassroots movement. Take action through signing our petition, community advocacy, getting the word out through social media and letters to the editor, holding community meetings and getting involved with your local Sierra Club group.

To help others join this movement, we are excited to introduce the 30x30 Activist Toolkit!

Conserving more of our public lands and managing them to sustain wildlife and natural systems is our best chance to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, fight for biodiversity and ensure we leave a livable world for future generations.

Missouri Sierra Club’s conservation team is working toward a just, equitable, and sustainable future where all people benefit from a healthy thriving planet and a direct connection to nature. A future where all people breathe fresh air, drink clean water, and regularly spend time outdoors. A future where public health professionals prescribe time in nature to improve health and wellness, and where children are encouraged to explore, play, and learn outdoors. 

In this future, people will find community, peace, and internal strength through a connection to nature. Along the way, a new generation of leaders will be inspired to protect and restore our lands, waters, wildlife, and communities. 

Join our conservation team by emailing Marisa Frazier, our Conservation Organizer.