Vote No on Highway Sales Tax and Right to Farm on August 5

The Sierra Club is recommending thatvoters reject two measures that will be on the August 5th statewide ballot.

The highways tax would impose a new 3/4 cent sales tax to fund transportation. The overwhelming majority of the money would be used for new and existing roadways. Instead of building more roads and encouraging sprawl, it is time for the State of Missouri to invest in effective public transit systems that reduce air pollution, discourage sprawl, and build community. A broad sales tax is a regressive method of funding highways. Instead, highway users should pay these costs through fuel taxes.
The so-called “Right to Farm” referendum is nothing more than an attempt to make it easier for big agribusiness to locate more CAFOs (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations) in Missouri while sidestepping opposition from local communities. That is why organizations representing small farmers, like the Missouri Farmers Union, are calling for a “no” vote on this measure.
If you would like to volunteer to help inform voters about these two measures, please contact John Hickey at