Pioneer Basin, John Muir Wilderness, CA August 6–12, Trip #00153A
This trip offers a new and unique opportunity for teenage girls (ages 14–16 at time of trip) to spend a week together in the gentle wilderness of the eastern Sierra. It promises to both challenge them individually and bond them collectively, as we celebrate the young women they are becoming. The trip is limited to 12 girls.
On our five moving days we will cover about 30 miles, much of which will be over 10,000 in elevation. Two layover days allow us plenty of time to climb mountain peaks, explore alpine lakes, or simply kick back and meander through wildflower–strewn meadows. We will offer instruction in map reading, cooking, route finding, and rock scrambling, as well as encourage leadership development throughout the week.
The trip is rated as moderate. For those girls who have not backpacked previously, but have strength, enthusiasm, and a positive attitude, it is not too late to get conditioned during the spring and summer by donning a pack and getting out there on the trails. Girls will be expected to carry 35–40 pounds, so a regimen of working up to that pack weight is advisable for the enjoyment of the trip. Biking, running, hiking, swimming, and team sports all help in getting in shape for this trip.
Carol MacFarlane, leader of this trip, has been hiking and backpacking for the past 30 years. She has a particular interest in empowering teenage girls, at an age when they so often “lose their voice.” By offering them opportunities to come to know their beauty and their strength, she hopes to help them grow in confidence and find their voice, and to celebrate with them the young women they are becoming.
The cost of the trip is $325 and requires a $50 deposit. For a detailed brochure or to sign up for the trip,
contact the Sierra Club:
For specific information contact the leader directly