Our Strength is in Our Members

by Carla Klein, Ozark Chapter Director and Melissa Hope
Blakley, Legislative Coordinator/Development Associate

It is a fact, legislators respond to constituent contacts. Contacts, whether by e-mail, phone, letter or personal visit can either thank a legislator for their vote or leadership on specific legislation or hold them accountable. Constituent contacts can also help to educate a legislator on an issue. The power of the Sierra Club is contained in the power of our active and engaged membership and their commitment to being involved. Hopefully, most of our members are aware of the Bush Administration’s sustained attack on the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, public lands and a host of other protections many Americans take for granted. But did you know the same brazenness for rolling back environmental protections is going on right here in Missouri?

For the first time since 1921 Republicans control the Missouri House, Senate and Governor’s office. Why do we mention Republicans specifically? For the simple fact that in recent years Republicans have led the charge for rolling back necessary, beneficial and hard-won environmental protections in Missouri. We expect to see  all the business and industry friendly anti-environmental legislation from previous years back with a vengeance. If you are a Republican, feel free to call the Sierra Club office to discuss the record of a Republican legislator you may have supported or the record of the current Republican leadership—knowledge is power!

Several bills we have successfully fought back for years are sure to be introduced and moved forward. Two especially heinous bills, capable of doing long-term damage to Missouri streams and endangering the health and safety of Missouri families, are “No Stricter than Federal” and “Audit Privilege.”

Bad Bills
“No Stricter than Federal”
This legislation would restrict environmental regulations that exceed low federal standards. Federal regulations provide minimum protections nationwide, states are expected to provide the needed extra protection. Missouri as the Cave State needs extra protection as our groundwater is easily contaminated. It could roll back existing regulations and would seriously limit the Department of Natural Resources’ power to stop corporate polluters. It could strip away groundwater protections, undercut odor laws for huge hog farms known as Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs), and undermine protections for clean streams and safe drinking water.

“Audit Privilege”
Dubbed the “dirty secrets” bill, this legislation could wreak havoc for years to come. The bill is intended to allow corporations to escape penalties, punishment and public disclosure when they violate state environmental laws. Some versions could establish unprecedented new privileges that allow polluters to hide evidence of violations from state agencies, from the courts and from the public, where such evidence is found through “voluntary” audit. “Audit Privilege” offers virtually unlimited immunity for self-confession, even if the confessed violations result from criminal negligence, serious harm, or place local communities at risk. Even worse, some versions of this legislation could limit the state’s ability to obtain orders requiring violators to stop polluting and could render documented evidence of wrongdoing inadmissible, making it virtually impossible for people injured by pollution to recover damages for their injuries. Allowing corporate polluters to self audit and close their records to the public is bad for Missouri citizens and the environment.

For other legislative concerns see http://missouri.sierraclub.org.

Confined Animal Feeding Operations
(CAFOs) — Oppose attempts to further exempt the waste from these large-scale industrial facilities from regulation (a CAFO can produce as much waste as a city of 10,000 people — untreated).

Melissa Hope Blakley joined the Ozark Chapter staff in November as Legislative Coordinator/Development Associate.
“Melissa is experienced and energetic. I am looking forward to working with her as we face numerous challenges in the state legislature this year. ” Carla Klein, Ozark Chapter Director. Help Melissa and Carla protect Missouri by signing up for the Missouri Legislative Action Alert List serve
(Contact Terri Folsom terri.folsom@sierraclub.org, 1-800-628-5333. Additional communication options are being developed.)

Sand and Gravel Mining proposals to allow unregulated dredge and fill operations up to 5,000 tons will most likely be reintroduced. Gravel mining operations severely impact the heath of a stream and its wildlife. Reasonable regulations are necessary to protect the health of Missouri streams.

Renewal of the Parks and Soils tax (1/10 cent sales tax) that supports Missouri Parks and soil conservation programs. (Not to be confused with the 1/8 cent conservation tax).  The tax must be placed on the ballot and renewed by Missouri voters every ten years. Missouri Parks are a source of important economic revenue for Missouri. The state park system’s overall economic impact adds $538 million annually to Missouri.

Waste Tire Fee renewal. This fee, which has expired, funded a successful program that recycled old tires and provided for the clean up of waste tire dumps. Waste tires are not only an environmental concern, but a health concern as well. Waste tires are a major breeding ground for mosquitoes. West Nile virus continues to be an important health concern.

Alternative Energy — support passage of a Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) for all utilities in Missouri. RPS would require each electric utility to invest in electric generation from various renewable energy sources (such as wind and solar), increasing on a yearly scale until the standard is met. Diversifying our energy sources makes good sense. An RPS bill can provide Missouri with cleaner, safer and cheaper energy.

Join Sierra Club’s Missouri Legislative Action Alert List-serve
Receive urgent e-mail requests to communicate with your representatives.

Contact Terri Folsom to sign up — terri.folsom@sierraclub.org, 1-800-628-5333.

The purpose of the Missouri Legislative Action Alert is to empower members with information and the ability to quickly respond to action needed. Alerts will be limited. The listserve is a one-way communication— you will only receive notices sent out from the Ozark Chapter office on key state issues that are at a critical voting juncture. The alert will provide a short summary of the problem, the Bill information, what action is needed and who and how to contact  key legislators.

What the Sierra Club is doing!
Your Ozark Chapter has taken several important steps to help us face the extraordinary challenges of the 2005 legislative session — your help is needed to support the efforts of staff and volunteer leaders: 

Additional staff: Melissa Hope Blakley joined the Ozark Chapter staff in November as Legislative Coordinator/Development Associate. Melissa will be representing Sierra Club priorities at the state capitol and working to raise funds to enable the Chapter to communicate conservation priorities broadly and more effectively. Melissa’s efforts will be coordinated with Chapter Director Carla Klein who will be working around the state to engage our members and build coalitions with other groups interested in protecting Missouri’s natural heritage. 

Missouri Legislative Action Alerts: It is essential that we have the ability to activate our members and friends quickly when critical issues arise that require immediate action. The new Missouri Legislative Action Alert list-serve will serve as a fast, efficient and effective tool to communicate with members/friends and provide an easy way for individuals to communicate with elected officials (Contact Terri Folsom to sign up — terri.folsom@sierraclub.org, 1-800-628-5333). Additional communication options are being developed. The purpose of the Missouri Legislative Action Alert is to empower members with information and the ability to quickly respond to action needed. Alerts will be limited. The list-serve is a one-way communication—you will only receive notices sent out from the Ozark Chapter office on key state issues that are at a critical voting juncture. The alert will provide a short summary of the problem, the Bill information, what action is needed and who and how to contact key legislators. 

Green Alliances—coalition building: Chapter staff attended Missouri’s environmental summit on December 4, 2004.The Environmental Summit, organized by Missouri Votes Conservation brings together groups from around the state interested in preserving and protecting Missouri’s natural heritage— Sierra Club, Audubon, Ozark Fly Fishers, The Nature Conservancy, Missouri Rural Crisis Center, Republicans for Environmental Protection, The Conservation Federation, Labor-Blue Green Alliance—are a few that attended this year’s summit. Every effort is being made to coordinate legislative alerts to all relevant groups.

GREEN REPORT: THE GREEN REPORT is an in depth legislative report sent to subscribing members periodically throughout the legislative session. (To subscribe contact Terri in the Chapter office — terri.folsom@sierraclub.org, 1-800-628-5333)

Website: The Chapter website will continue to provide updates and information on important issues. 

Develop additional communication tools: We will be working to develop the Action Alert List-Serve and expand its reach to more members and friends, but not all of our members are available by e-mail. Fax alerts, phone trees and automated phone messages will be explored. Members will be needed to help develop and implement these tools.

It is easy to feel discouraged and overwhelmed during these difficult times and to doubt how much influence we can have on the legislative process. That is when we need to remind ourselves that our strength as Sierra Club members is in our numbers. When we take collective action to hold our legislators responsible we will continue to be successful.