Fifteen Ways

You can Raise $50-$500 to help Missouri’s Sierra Club

Promote clean energy solutions, Protect Missouri’s rivers and streams, Preserve public lands and Promote sustainable communities.

1. Teach a workshop or seminar on something you know: knitting, organic gardening, organizing, proposal writing, gourmet cooking, dog grooming. Charge $25-$50 per person with a goal of 10-15 people.

2. Organize a garage sale on your own or with friends you know who care about the work Sierra Club is doing in Missouri. Designate all or a portion for the Club. Or offer to hold a garage or side-walk sale for your neighborhood or apartment building if they will donate half of the proceeds to Sierra Club.

3. Have a poker evening at your home. Charge an entrance fee of $5 or so and ask that every pot be split with Sierra Club.

4. Ask two of your friends to help you put on a bake sale, book sale or garage sale.

5. Invite people to your birthday party and ask that in lieu of gifts they make a donation to Sierra Club. Have material available about Sierra Club’s work in Missouri.

6. If you live in a community where Sierra Club is active on a particular issue (fighting a new power plant, monitoring lead mining activities, cleaning up streams, etc.), have a spaghetti dinner at a temple, church or union hall. Charge up to $10 per person – all to benefit work on that issue.

7. Have a fancy dinner at your home or a regular dinner at someone’s fancy home. Serve unusual of gourmet food or have special entertainment. Charge $40 or more per person.

8. Host a house party. During the party give a short talk about Sierra Club’s priority campaigns and the public interest work we do in Missouri and ask everyone to consider a gift of $25, $50, $100 or more (depending on the crowd). Or ask everyone to match your gift.

9. Conduct a volunteer canvas. For one night, you and your friends take literature to all the neighborhoods around you and ask for money at the door. Be sure to comply with city and county ordinances.

10. Lead a nature walk, architectural tour, a sailing trip, etc and charge each participant.

11. Sell your frequent flier miles or donate them to Sierra Club for use by Missouri staff and volunteers when traveling to training events, etc.
Especially for kids

12. Offer to do a special chore around the house and attach a price to it to benefit Sierra Club.

13. Offer a service to your neighbors – mow the lawn, clean up leaves, start a compost pile, teach them how to organize for recycling, etc.

14. Offer to do childcare for weekend or one day of house cleaning for a fee.

15. Put on a concert or play in your neighbor and charge your family, friends and neighbors to attend.

For questions regarding contributions to the Ozark Chapter or to obtain campaign materials, contact Melissa Blakley, Chapter Development Associate,, 573-999-7388.

Note: Most of the fundraising ideas were reprinted as is or modified from Kim Klein’s Fifty-Three Ways for Board Members to raise $1000 in the Grassroots Fundraising Journal.