Trail Crew thanks the LAD Foundation

by Bob Gestel

The Trail Crew would like to thank the L.A.D. Foundation for a $2000 dollar grant for new trail tools. Some of our tools were over 20 years old and are now replaced with state of the art tools. Since the late 70's the Sierra Club has been working in the Pioneer Forest on their trail system.We have been maintaining 12 miles of the Blair Creek Section of the Ozark Trail, constructed the 2.5 mile Laxton HollowTrail, helped construct the Brushy Creek Trail and helped flag the proposed Current River Trail. The Sierra Club has also worked with management at Hawn State Park and designed and built several reroutes replacing badly worn sections of trail.

As you can see, this grant money will go a long way in our future trail effort in the State of Missouri. So again thanks to the L.A.D. Foundation for the grant money and to all the Sierra Club members who have helped build and maintain some great hiking trails in Missouri for over 30 years. Hope to see you on a trail soon.

Bob Gestel 636-296-8975 or
Paul Stupperich 314-429-4352 or