Missouri Chapter Executive Committee Elections

by Caroline Pufalt

The Sierra Club in Missouri is organized in a state-wide chapter, and in four “groups” which cover the state but are centered around Columbia (Osage Group), Kansas City (Thomas Hart Benton Group), Springfield (White River Group) and St. Louis (E.Mo.Group). The chapter is managed by a volunteer Executive Committee (or “ExCom”), nine of whose members are elected at large - meaning chosen in an election in which members across the state can participate. The ExCom makes important decisions for the Missouri chapter about financial and conservation issues.

Please read the statements of the candidates who are running for the ExCom, and then use the ballot in this newsletter to cast your vote. Please mail it so that it arrives at our St. Louis office by the January 5th deadline.
Profiles of the four candidates:
Mike Diel
I’m proud to be a Sierran, and I’d like to serve on the Missouri Chapter Excom to protect our air, water, and wild places like the Ozark National Scenic Riverways, to promote a common sense approach to energy that is designed with Climate Change in mind, and I’d like to see the club firmly in the twenty first century as one of the premiere environmental organizations.
I’m a landlord / tree farmer / Occupier from Macon. I’ve been a member of the Osage Group since 1993. Since its a hundred and twenty five mile round trip to Columbia, I didn’t volunteer much. Now I’m willing to serve my turn.
Think Globally Act Locally
John Feldmann
I’ve been a member of the Sierra Club Missouri Chapter for over 20 years and was actively involved on the Chapter Executive committee as well as political committee during those years. Then we had kids and I became actively involved in home life and raising those kids. Two years ago I ran for the Chapter Excom and am serving on the committee again as well as the role of Chapter political committee chair.
We have a great opportunity and a responsibility to protect Missouri’s wild places and to help protect our environment from those that would misuse it. Missouri has a long way to go to improve our renewable energy generation usage compared to the rest of the country. I believe that we can do better than just burn coal and build wildly expensive nuclear plants that we do not need. I would like the Missouri chapter to push practical solutions to change the energy generation equation in Missouri and help create renewable energy jobs in this state for the long term. I want to help make this happen over the next couple of years.
I believe the chapter needs to activate younger members throughout the state to create a vibrant energized group to take over leadership in the future. We need to focus our energy to  reach these members and get them involved.
David Mitchell
My name is David Mitchell, and am currently a retired social worker, having lived in Kansas City, Mo. for the last 24 years. It has been my privilege for the last several years to serve on the Missouri Chapter of the Sierra Club. Since being involved in the Sierra Club, my primary interest leans toward political activity, and I am currently on the Missouri Chapter political  committee.
Initially, it was my concern over global warming which led to becoming a member of the Sierra Club, and was very grateful to become a member of the THB Sierra Club Executive Committee in about 2004.
The National Sierra Club has the climate recovery goal of reducing CO2 80% by 2050. Michael Bloomberg, New York City Mayor, has pledged $50 million over the next 4 years to the National Sierra Club for the Beyond Coal Campaign. Coal plants are the worst offenders for CO2 pollution, and I look forward to the Missouri Chapter working with the Beyond Coal staff in this effort. As the Missouri Chapter moves forward, an increasing educational function will no doubt be part of the picture in highlighting coal plants and global warming.
I look forward to another term with the Missouri Chapter, to play whatever small role I can in the chapter’s ability to bring the vision of a clean energy future into the mainstream of public and political discourse.


Jim Rhodes


I have now been on the Executive Committee of the Missouri Chapter about two years as your treasurer and I would like your vote so I can serve for another two. The Sierra Club is a major environmental organization which I’m proud to say I’ve been a member of for more years than I care to remember. I feel we do very valuable work in protecting the environment. I’m very interested in some issues including climate change, the protection of rivers and streams from both pollution and also bad land use practices, the protection of natural areas, and the  corrupting effect of corporate money in politics. If I’m elected, I will strive to help further the club’s goals. Thank you.