Vote Yes for Minnesota's Great Outdoors on November 5!

Vote Yes - Keep the Lottery working for our Great Outdoors

Minnesotans love the Great Outdoors and have a history of standing up to preserve and protect it. For three decades, Minnesota’s state lottery has provided critical funding for projects that conserve and protect our water, land, and wildlife. But that funding will sunset in 2025 unless we take action. That's why Minnesotans need to VOTE YES on their November ballot to ensure a future full of clean lakes, healthy forests, and ample opportunities for outdoor recreation.

We at the Sierra Club North Star Chapter have therefore joined the Minnesotans for the Great Outdoors campaign coalition of over 125 other organizations who are endorsing a YES vote on the constitutional amendment for Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENTRF) Renewal. 

Our chapter's Forests and Wildlife Stewards Group also researched this issue and attended the kick-off event on September 4 with others.

In addition to continuing the investment of lottery funds into the Trust Fund, the 2024 renewal will create a new community grants program supported by the ENRTF. This community grants program will create greater equity by ensuring BIPOC-led organizations and smaller rural communities have greater access to funding to address local environmental issues.

To learn more about the ballot amendment and the impact of lottery funding, visit

Vote yes on November 5!  Thank you for taking action to protect the Great Outdoors we love.

People showing their support for the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENTRF) Renewal


Janette Dean (left), volunteer leader with the Forests and Wildlife Stewards Team, attended the campaign kickoff event at Thompson Park in Dakota County.
Janette Dean (left), volunteer leader with the Forests and Wildlife Stewards Team, attended the campaign
kickoff event at Thompson Park in Dakota County.


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