Protecting habitat and waters on MN public lands

A forest of young trees in dappled shade with lush green undergrowth

Minnesota communities love the outdoors, and care about protecting clean water and habitat. But the increased use of Off-Road Vehicles poses risks to our wetlands, streams, and wildlife.

Land-based motorized recreation continues to expand in Minnesota, with millions of additional dollars recently appropriated for more trail creation and expansion.

That’s why we urgently need common sense measures to protect sensitive habitats and natural areas on state lands. And we need to push the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) recommit to its mission, rather than promoting high impact uses.

Legislation (HF2791 / SF1324) led by the Minnesota Public Lands Coalition and the Sierra Club North Star Chapter Forests and Wildlife Stewards has been introduced and recently received a hearing in the Minnesota House Environment and Natural Resources Committee.

The bill provides for the following:

  • Signage: Help riders know where they can go, to safeguard sensitive habitats.
  • Water and Native Species: Protect the most pristine ranked waters and aquatic life, and avoid spreading invasive species.
  • Environmental Review: Avoid use of Off-Road Vehicles in sensitive areas, foster public transparency, and reduce lawsuits.
  • Local Government Control: Require permission from tribal nations and consultation with local communities for new trails

Our state public lands are valuable for not only people and communities, but include some of our most undeveloped natural areas for ecosystem services such as clean air, water, wildlife habitat, carbon sequestration and a healthy climate. Preventing threats to our public lands can also address the interlinked emergencies of climate change and biodiversity loss.

Take action today!  Send a message to your legislators urging their support for the bill. 

With passage of HF2791 / SF1324, we will be able to protect and sustain Minnesota’s outdoor heritage for generations to come.

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