Team Update - Land Use and Transportation - January 2024

Land Use and Transportation

The Land Use and Transportation team is focused on the upcoming legislative session, preparing a package of several bills that particularly target housing and land use. These bills will promote housing density, especially along major transit corridors. The easier it is for more of us to walk, bike, and take transit, the more we can lower our collective car dependency and emissions!

We are continuing to build the coalition of partners that made last year's legislative successes possible; with the joint lobbying power of organizations like Move Minnesota, Minnesota Housing Partnership, and Neighbors for More Neighbors working alongside Sierra Club, we are hopeful for more big wins.

We have a good chance of getting bills passed—but with the State House up for reelection, many representatives may be more timid around big new bills. In the months ahead, we will need all of us contacting our representatives to keep reminding them how much we want these bills to pass. Be on the lookout for action alerts.

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