Team Update - Land Use and Transportation - December 2023

'Tis the send your transportation wish list to the Metropolitan Council. Every two years, they distribute federal funds for transportation projects through a grant program called Regional Solicitation. Use their budget toggle to ask them to prioritize biking, walking, and transit infrastructure.

Another thing on the LUT wish list this year is electric school buses. The EPA has opened its 2023 Clean School Bus Rebate program through January 31, 2024. Learn more and get in touch with your school district to start the application process for federal funds. In addition to electric school buses, our team is working to push Metro Transit to electrify their fleet.

As we gear up for next year's legislative session, the Land Use and Transportation team is studying the ways that housing density and transportation access can work together to minimize household cost and climate impact. Take a look at this Housing + Transportation Affordability Index to see how your zip code compares.

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