Team Update - Land Use and Transportation - November 2023

The Land Use and Transportation team heard from representatives of Metro Transit about the planned bus rapid transit (BRT) METRO G Line, which will speed up bus service along Rice Street and Robert Street. Unfortunately, the current plan does not include a dedicated bus lane through Saint Paul congestion, and the team urged them to rethink now that the state legislature has passed more funding for transit.

Sierra Club is gearing up to help turn the 2023 budget wins into 2024 policy wins around land use, housing, and greater density around transit corridors. Over 100 people from across Minnesota joined a virtual conversation with Daryl Fairweather, Chief Economist at Redfin and lead author of Minnesota's Land Value Tax bill (HF 1342) Rep. Steve Elkins to learn about the big economic, environment, climate and housing benefits of allowing Land Value Tax districts. Read the Sunday NY Times article on LVT to learn more.

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