Team Update - Land Use and Transportation - October 2023

The Land Use and Transportation team is fighting a spooky proposal to expand I-94 between Minneapolis and Saint Paul!  Despite the need to reduce vehicle miles traveled and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, reduce lanes, create more space for housing, and prioritize the health and safety of people who work, live, and play along I-94, MnDOT has still included options in their current survey that propose adding traffic lanes. We recently walked with local residents to learn more about impacts. Read our blog and take MnDOT's survey; be sure to strongly oppose all options that propose adding lanes and support all "at-grade" and "bus rapid transit dedicated lanes" options!

Sierra Club also recently testified at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) hearing on federal Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards and urged the agency to improve the fuel economy for new cars sold in the United States. Take this quick action alert to support the strongest possible standards that will increase fuel efficiency, reduce our reliance on dirty oil, and drive down car and truck pollution.


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