Team Update - Land Use and Transportation - May 2023

Transportation is the #1 source of climate change pollution in Minnesota. And finally we have achieved an Omnibus Transportation Bill that will fund clean, equitable transportation options—ranging from Bus Rapid Transit to ebikes and electric vehicles. This is a major victory.

In addition to pushing for transit funding, the LUT team is working to engage with MnDOT as they conduct a planning study for the redesign of University and Central Avenues in Northeast Minneapolis. In addition to biking, walking, and safety considerations, LUT will advocate for dedicated bus lanes on this highly-traveled transit route. Learn more here.

Friday, May 19 was National Bike to Work Day and #TCBikeToWorkDay. From Friday morning pitstops, to Friday afternoon festivities in downtown Minneapolis, to the Art-A-Whirl, so many bikers joined in. What a blast!

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