Team Update - Clean Energy - March 2023

The 100% Clean Energy bill was signed into law in early February, with significant help from our Clean Energy Team. Since then, there has been a whirlwind of legislative activity as DFL control of both Houses and the Governor's office has raised expectations for the passage of additional bills on many subjects, including bills to address climate change and lessen pollution.

The team is active in this legislative process in several areas. It is supporting bills seeking billions of dollars of funding from the budget surplus to further the cause of environmental justice, including more money to weatherize houses in BIPOC areas, fund solar on schools in low income areas, and develop an urban farm in the East Phillips neighborhood of south Minneapolis (Roof Depot site) in place of the City's proposal for the site.

Another team priority is passing the Frontline Community Protections Act (FCPA), also known as the "cumulative impacts" bill. The FCPA aims to stop the historical practice of siting sources of pollution from industries and transportation in or near BIPOC areas. The team is supporting the efforts of Cooperative Energy Futures to pass the Community Access to Solar bill to expand access to community and rooftop solar for low income and BIPOC communities. The Community Access to Solar bill will lower energy costs and help clean the air for the residents of those communities.

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