Team Update - Land Use and Transportation - February 2023

In case you missed it, Vice President Kamala Harris was at an electric transit bus manufacturing facility in Saint Cloud February 9th. Sierra Club was there to welcome Madam VP, and remind everyone that transportation is the #1 climate polluter. We need to meet the Administration's commitment to cut climate pollution in half by providing everyone with clean transportation options, electric transit, while providing good, green, union jobs.

In other transiteering news, Sierra Club Land Use and Transportation member Keith Heiberg published this Transit Equity Day (TED) opinion: MinnPost: A penny for transit: Safe, reliable, clean and affordable transit is essential. There is also a TED recap up on our blog: Transit Equity on Rosa Parks' Birthday

What you can do (if you haven't already): Ask Governor Walz to Act On Climate & Fully Fund Transit

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