Team Update - Water & Wetlands Stewards - September 2022

At a recent gathering of the Waters and Wetlands Stewards, the group reflected on their accomplishments over the past year and talked about what they hope to achieve in coming months. Although they agreed that it is easy to feel discouraged about our efforts in a time when the officials across the country seem to be moving away from, rather toward, environmental initiatives, it also feels important to remind each other of the tangible steps we have made.

For example: 

  • The team’s blog post about wake boats has been picked up by other groups and advocates across the country

  • The Minneapolis Park Board has incorporated some of the language from members’ letters into their planning for Lake Hiawatha; 

  • Team members testified at an EPA listening session regarding ionic water quality standards; submitted Chapter comments on DNR non-ferrous mining rules and in support of the Fond Du Lac Band's objection to the PolyMet wetlands permits. In the Legislative session the team testified twice on the School Lead Bill and made the Road Salt Bill a chapter priority.

  • The team coordinated efforts with a number of local partners such as the MEP Water Cluster Meetings, the Land Stewardship Project, and Clean Water Action.

The challenges facing us feel big, and sometimes our efforts feel small. But the meetings, the blog posts, the letters–they all add up.

The team decided to add an educational "natural history" component to its meetings, when members share a little of what they know about the natural world. For example, they recently learned about bluet damselflies!

New faces at the Stewards’ monthly meetings are always welcome. Please join up.

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