Clean Energy Team Highlights

Clean Energy Team Selfies

In the last year, the Clean Energy Team:

  • Successfully pressured the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission and Xcel Energy to enact a long-term plan that includes coal plant retirements, more renewables, and no new fossil gas plants.
  • Supported a Minneapolis environmental justice community in advocating for the East Phillips Urban Farm instead of a proposed City of Minneapolis Water Yard Facility that would add vehicle pollution to an already overburdened community.
  • Partnered with Youth N' Power, a local youth organization empowering a new generation of environmental justice organizers in North Minneapolis.
  • Connected with thousands of Sierra Club members and supporters about signing up for community solar.
  • Created a digital map of areas of Minneapolis experiencing high energy burden to demonstrate the disparities in affordability based on race, income, and zip code.
  • Formed a team that will attend over a dozen community events this summer educating and activating Minnesotans on climate change.
  • Organized meetings with state legislators to lobby for $1 billion for climate solutions in Minnesota. 

More Clean Energy Team Selfies

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