Victory for Solar Power in Northern Minnesota

The Grand Rapids Public Utilities (GRPU) Commission voted unanimously at their November 18 meeting to authorize Minnesota Power to sign a contract with US Solar, a nationally known solar developer, to build a solar garden and battery storage system in Grand Rapids. Minnesota Power will pass the solar power through to GRPU and its customers. This is the first solar-plus-storage system of its type to be built in northern Minnesota.

The Itasca Clean Energy Team (ICET), a local citizens’ group promoting renewable energy, enthusiastically endorsed this action. The idea for the solar garden was introduced at a community forum promoting renewable energy, sponsored by the Sierra Club. ICET’s original goal was to build a local 1-megawatt community solar garden, which would generate enough energy annually to supply all of the electricity needed for over 300 average-sized homes.

Eventually, through a process of study and consultation, GRPU decided to expand the community garden to benefit all ratepayers. GRPU concluded that building a solar garden with battery storage would lower electricity costs for all while avoiding the administrative costs of managing a subscription program. By the end of 2018, GRPU had decided to seek bids from solar developers across the country to build a solar-plus-storage system in Grand Rapids. Throughout this process, ICET was involved as a key partner.

All GRPU customers will automatically share in the benefits of locally produced solar power, including lower costs. The system will provide approximately 8% of GRPU's total annual energy needs. According to ICET leader Bill Schnell, “This is a great first step toward a clean energy future for this area.”

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