Stewards Update - October 2021

By Marya Hart

Stewards advocate for policies related to water, forests, and wildlife.

The Forests and Wildlife Stewards are now part of a greater coalition working on pollinator issues. The Stewards have joined the People for Wild Things coalition in Minnesota working to influence the DNR and elected leaders to reduce the threats to the diverse array of pollinators. People for Wild Things is a coalition of concerned citizens, local and national environmental groups, and species conservation organizations, who are working to protect pollinators, birds, and other wildlife. The group believes every single living organism counts in the food web including insects, birds, fish, animals, and humans. The coalition was formed recently through the Minnesota Environmental Partnership after the disappointments from the last legislative session.

Did you know? A garden that has an abundance of flowers will support insects. To maximize the diversity of insects your garden can support, you’ll also need to provide places where they can nest, lay eggs, and shelter. In this pre-recorded webinar, Beyond Plants: What Else do Insects Need to Thrive, Xerces' Matthew Shepherd and Jennifer Hopwood talk about how to leave the leaves, save the stems, and other ways to help insects thrive in your backyard.

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