There is still time to stop the NTEC fossil gas plant

photo of people holding signs protesting against the NTEC gas plant
We can’t build new fossil fuel plants in a climate crisis: Minnesota Power & Dairyland must drop plans
to build the proposed NTEC gas plant in Superior

By Jessica Tritsch

Summary: Sierra Club and partners continue to oppose the proposed NTEC fossil gas plant that Minnesota Power and Dairyland Power want to build in Superior, WI. We’re fighting NTEC in Minnesota, Wisconsin and through federal advocacy, because we shouldn’t be building a new fossil gas plant in the midst of a climate crisis. There is still time to stop it. Click here to make your voice heard.

map showing location of proposed NTEC gas plant

Back in 2017, Minnesota Power and Dairyland Power jointly proposed to build a $700 million, 525-625 MW fossil gas combined cycle plant in Superior, WI. The proposed gas plant would be built along 31st Ave E, between Grand Ave and E 10th St, close to people’s homes, schools, and businesses, and only a few miles from Lake Superior. Immediately, Sierra Club joined partners and community members in opposing the plant—which needs approvals in both Wisconsin and Minnesota—because of concerns for our climate, health, environment and the high costs of fossil gas.

Now in 2021, as we struggle with an extreme drought, destructive fires, and unhealthy air quality, building a new fossil fuel power plant is an even riskier proposition for our shared climate. As technology advances and costs continue to decline for clean energy (while fossil gas prices keep going up) this proposed gas plant is even riskier for energy customers.

NTEC is an unnecessary risk for the Northland

There’s still time to say no to NTEC

Minnesota Power & Dairyland do not have all the approvals they need to start construction

Minnesota Power and Dairyland should drop plans for NTEC

Earlier this summer, Xcel Energy dropped plans to build a big combined cycle gas plant in Minnesota because of widespread opposition and risk to the company and customers. Given the increasing risk to Minnesota Power and Dairyland, their customers, and our climate, and the clean energy alternatives available, it’s time to stop doubling down on fossil fuels and embrace a just transition to the 100% clean energy future our climate and communities require.

Jessica Tritsch is a Senior Campaign Representative with the Sierra Club’s Minnesota Beyond Coal to Clean Energy Campaign 

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