Clean Cars Minnesota: It's Official!

photo of family smiling in front of their new electric car
Minneapolis, Minnesota: Leonardo points to mom and dad’s (Lucas and Sarah) new zero-emission electric car.
Photo by author.

By Joshua Houdek

Buying a car can be a big process and is an important investment. When Sarah and Lucas went shopping for their zero-emission electric car this summer, it was especially challenging. There were very few options to choose from on Minnesota dealers’ lots. In fact, they even considered ordering a car from out of state. “We were really surprised, especially living in the middle of the metro, that we couldn’t find what we were looking for,” they said. “We need more choices for clean ways to get where we need to go.”

For numerous families across Minnesota (and adjoining states) that want to save money, reduce climate pollution, and do their part to help clean the air, Clean Cars MN will help. This week, Governor Walz announced that Minnesota is officially the 15th clean car state in the nation, in addition to the District of Columbia, and the first in the Midwest. The Clean Car standards will require new cars and light trucks sold in the state to emit less climate-disrupting pollution. The standards will also increase the availability and sales of zero-emission cars. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency announced: “The Notice of Adoption of the Clean Cars Minnesota Rule formally adopts both the Low Emission Vehicle and Zero Emission Vehicle Standards, as well as a voluntary early action credit mechanism... The Notice marks the end of the rulemaking process.”

“The success of Clean Cars MN was a direct result of tens of thousands of people showing up in support of Minnesota leading the way in the Midwest on this important policy that will help us act on climate and clean up our air,” said Margaret Levin, director of the Sierra Club’s North Star Chapter

It was a long road to reach this landmark accomplishment - specifically, a 670 day journey. Sierra Club leaders (both from the local chapter and the national Clean Transportation for All campaign) were leaders in multiple spaces, including Minnesotans for Clean Cars and the Coalition for Clean Transportation. We’re proud to be the first state in the Midwest to sign onto these standards, but there is still much more to do to expand clean transportation options for all Minnesotans - like more transit and safer biking and walking - but this is a significant step forward.

To learn more about Clean Cars MN, or to get involved in promoting clean transportation solutions to the climate crisis, contact or 612-259-2447.

Joshua Houdek is a Senior Program Manager for Sierra Club North Star Chapter’s Land Use and Transportation Campaign.

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