Campaign Teams Update - June 2021

By Marya Hart

Campaign teams advocate for legislative change on environmental issues.

Clean Energy

The deadline for comments on the Xcel Integrated Resource Plan has been extended to June 25. The Clean Air team is encouraging comment submissions with the goal to stop Xcel from building a new natural-gas power plant, which would be a step backward from the goal of all-renewable energy. Comments can be submitted HERE.

There is some good news: the Minnesota House of Representatives just passed the most ambitious energy and climate bill ever. The bad news is that it is being blocked in the Senate, both by climate-change deniers and senators who just don’t care. Please call your state senator (even the Democrats!) and urge them to support the companion legislation.

Finally, keep your eye out for an article in an upcoming Journal (delivered by snail mail) that explains how to subscribe to a community solar garden.

Land Use and Transportation

The Land Use and Transportation team is celebrating a MAY-jor victory this month — Minnesota will be the first Clean Cars state in the Midwest. A state judge recently ruled in favor of clean car standards which will lower emissions and improve access to electric vehicles. These new rules will bring Minnesota closer to our climate goals and help reduce pollution throughout the state. Thanks to everyone who commented and petitioned for this historic win.

The team is still working on combating highway lane expansions for the Rethinking I-94 and 252/94 projects, which are both expected to reveal their draft plans and alternatives by Spring 2022. 

Team members are also continuing to push for a second daily train between Minneapolis and Chicago. LUT is asking everyone to call Governor Walz and their state representatives and ask them to support funding for the train.

Stop Line Three 

Watch the Line is working with legal experts who can offer advice on photos of construction. Their next meeting is going to take a closer look at the impact of Line 3 on insect populations, including the Rusty Patched Bumblebee. Fun fact: this little guy is the Minnesota state bee. Not-so-fun fact: they’re seriously endangered, even without pipeline construction demolishing their habitats.

The team is preparing for and promoting the Treaty People Gathering, June 5th through 8th in Northern Minnesota. See above (volunteers needed) for more details.