Sierra Club Statement on Chauvin Trial

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With opening statements in the trial of Derek Chauvin set to begin on Monday March 29, the Sierra Club expresses our support for George Floyd’s family and the people in our community calling for justice and accountability in the form of both conviction and structural change.

All Minnesotans deserve a healthy planet with clean air and water, a stable climate and safe communities -- the right to live free of racial discrimination and violence. The inhumane daily assaults on Black and Brown people directly threaten our ability to maintain a healthy planet.

As the people of Minneapolis and across Minnesota are calling for justice, healing and care, many city and state officials have responded with militarization -- stoking more fear and concerns across the city, to the community that is still grieving and recovering from the trauma of police violence and murder. But the community is stepping up in historic and incredible ways.

Reclaim the Block and the Yes 4 Minneapolis campaign are two examples of organizations you can connect with to lend your support.

To create communities that are truly healthy, just, and equitable, we must continue to confront white supremacy and fight for the humanity and the dignity of all people. Together we must rise for systems change and for justice.

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