The Fight to Stop Line 3 Continues

StopLine3 poster, art by Dio Cramer
Art by Dio Cramer

Across the state, we want climate action. Governor Walz campaigned as a climate champion -- when he approved Line 3, he failed his climate commitments. Make no mistake: Minnesota cannot make good on our climate goals if Line 3 is in operation carrying tar sands oil to be burned. 

For years we have been involved in the Line 3 permitting process, mobilizing thousands of public comments, meeting with officials, and working closely with partner organizations and allies. In August we celebrated a step forward when the Walz administration decided to continue its legal appeal – a critical component of challenging the Public Utilities Commission’s illegal and irrational approval of the pipeline. 

Then in November, Governor Walz and his agencies went back on his commitments and made the bitterly disappointing decision to issue the final state permit. There was no surprise when the Trump Administration quickly issued the final Army Corps of Engineers water permit. Construction has begun but the fight will not stop.

We are ramping up legal action with Native Nations and other partners in challenging Line 3 in the court. Construction should not be able to happen before this case is heard in the court of appeals. We are calling on the Courts to stay construction until these appeals are heard and we are calling on President-elect Biden to revoke the federal permits granted hastily at the end of Trump’s term.

As Enbridge rushes forward with construction during a pandemic, resistance is growing on the ground. Brave Minnesotans are mobilizing to defend treaty rights and our climate, including stopping construction with their bodies. Many of these grassroots groups are led by Indigenous activists.  

Join the Fight

If you’ve been asking yourself what you can do, below is a list of where to start:

  1. Stay Current on the Fight. Do you want more updates like this?  Join a new email list dedicated to supporting Line 3 partner events, you’ll get an email roughly once a week just on opportunities to show up (in person and virtually) to Stop Line 3.
  2. Stone Arch Gather to Protect the Water. Others in the metro are gathering three times a week at the Mississippi River on the Stone Arch Bridge, join them.
  3. Watch The Line. Join a monitoring team to monitor the construction route looking for permit violations and sharing updates.
  4. Donate. An important way you can help is with your financial support. Find ways to support created by some partners at and near the frontlines in Northern Minnesota.
  5. Social Media. Follow those on the frontlines on social media to get updates directly from them, here is a suggested list to start:


We’ll keep working to hold elected leaders accountable and to build a future where everyone has opportunities for family-supporting jobs that do not put Indigenous sovereignty and our climate on the line.

Thanks for being in the movement with us.

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