Stop Line 3 - Call Governor Walz

photo of Members of the Sierra Club's Stop Line 3 Team at the Relay for Water. Photo credit: Alec Olson
Members of the Sierra Club's Stop Line 3 Team at the Relay for Water.
Photo credit: Alec Olson

Together we have been fighting for our water and communities. For years Enbridge has been trying to build their dirty, unnecessary, unwanted Line 3 pipeline. We've built a movement that has been pushing back and denying this climate disaster for years. We've marched, we've sent comments, and we've sued.

Now, we're at a turning point.

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) faces a Nov. 14 deadline to act on a key permit for Enbridge's Line 3. If the MPCA says "yes," we expect Line 3 construction to start by this Monday Nov. 16 and proceed rapidly.

The MPCA has sufficient reason to reject the permit.

  • Water experts have found that this pipeline cannot be built and meet our water quality standards. The only option when reviewing the science and applying the law is to deny the permit. The Sierra Club jointly submitted technical comments against the permit being issued with the Red Lake and White Earth Nations and Honor the Earth.  
  • Currently, there are three tribes at the court of appeals about Public Utilities Commission permits for Line 3. Approving this permit would allow construction to occur before the court hearings.
  • In 2017 the MPCA found that Enbridge's preferred route would cause the most harm from all the route options. They have already said this would damage our pristine water ways, now they need to follow the science and reject the pipeline.
  • The MPCA's own Environmental Justice Advisory Committee has submitted a letter calling on the MPCA to reject Line 3 in order to uphold their Environmental Justice policy.  

Despite the facts, and Governor Walz's stated commitment to climate action and tribal rights, the MPCA seems poised to approve Line 3.

Minnesotans deserve government agencies that serve and protect us -- not big business. We are calling on the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to do their duty: protect us from Enbridge and the pollution Line 3 will bring.

We need to lean hard on Governor Walz, now. He is the boss of MPCA Commissioner, Laura Bishop, who will determine what decision the MPCA makes. We've found that the Governor's office tracks calls closely, so please make your call today.

Call Governor Walz

Call the Governor using this number: 202-750-2411.

Here is a script for making your call:

This is __________ and I'm calling from ____________. I'm calling to demand that you stop Enbridge Line 3. You and the MPCA
have all the legal tools and arguments you need to deny the permit and stop this dangerous project. (Choose a reason or call back another time too)

  • We need you to stand up for our environment, our climate, and our treaties.
  • Approving this project would create an enormous environmental deficit, a deplorable legacy passed on to our children.
  • We're not only in the middle of a pandemic, but it's spiking. You shouldn't be approving a project that will attract a flood of outside workers into northern Minnesota, threatening everyone's health.
  • Tar sands is the dirtiest fuel on the planet, and nearly impossible to clean up when it spills.  The draft permit does not even consider oil spills.  This is unacceptable and does not protect our water.
  • We’re asking that you ensure your agencies rigorously apply the science to the law.
  • Your Department of Commerce has been clear that the pipeline isn't needed. Don't allow construction to happen while this lawsuit is in the courts.

We are counting on you and Commissioner Bishop to do the right thing and say "No" to Line 3.  

I have deep appreciation for everyone in our fight to stop Line 3 -- thank you. Whatever happens this week, we will continue fighting for all our communities, our water, and our planet.

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