Minnesota Sierra Club Statement on 2020 Elections

Contact: margaret.levin@sierraclub.org, 612-259-2446

St. Paul, MN - Minnesotans turned out in historically high numbers to vote in the November 3 election. In response the Sierra Club North Star Chapter issued the following statement from State Director Margaret Levin:

"We know that it will take election officials longer this year to count every vote, and ensure that every single voice is heard. Even in the midst of a pandemic, voters have done their job. Now election officials are doing theirs. While we don't yet have the final outcome, we can be assured that the people of Minnesota came out in record numbers to vote for clean water, for climate solutions grounded in equity, and for the environmental progress we need to ensure a sustainable future.

"In 2020 the Sierra Club North Star Chapter deployed our largest-ever effort to influence elections in our history. Our powerful team of volunteer leaders, supported by a sophisticated digital and print campaign, organized across the state to reach climate voters in priority districts and support endorsed candidates in 117 races.

"Our 80,000 members and supporters in Minnesota look forward to working with the environmental champions who are celebrating victories tonight and in the days to come, and we thank all of our endorsed candidates for their leadership.

"Voting is critical, but our work doesn't end here. We will continue the momentum and build a world that we know is possible – and a Minnesota where everyone's voice is heard, and where our families and communities are healthy and safe."

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