Stewards Update

By Marya Hart

Stewards advocate for policies related to water, forests, and wildlife.

Water and Wetlands

The Water and Wetlands team is ramping up its efforts to examine and address the environmental impacts of agricultural pollution on waters and wetlands. Other states have  much more progressive feedlot regulations for agriculture’s impact on the environment, but Minnesota is lagging behind. According to a recent report, Minnesota now has “more large, concentrated animal feeding operations than any other state except Iowa.”

Forests and Wildlife

The Forests and Wildlife Stewards have been monitoring the new Border to Border Touring Route proposed by the Minnesota DNR and recently drafted a letter encouraging an environmental review process to consider its negative effects. The off-road vehicle trail would cross the entire state from the North Dakota border to the shores of Lake Superior. It would consist entirely of roads currently open for public use, including state and national forest roads as well as township, county and state roads. It is estimated that usage of this type of trail will increase damage to natural resources, sensitive habitats, and our precious wetlands, streams, lake shores, rivers, and land-based and aquatic wildlife.


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