Sierra Club Condemns Minnesota Senate Republicans’ Retaliation Against Commerce Commissioner Steve Kelley

Contact: Gabby Brown,

St. Paul, MN -- Today, Republicans in the Minnesota Senate voted to fire Department of Commerce Commissioner Steve Kelley in retaliation for doing his job and carrying out the mission of the Department of Commerce, which is charged with protecting the public interest and strengthening Minnesota’s economic future. 

Senate Republicans cited the Department of Commerce’s ongoing legal challenge to the Public Utilities Commission’s approval of the Certificate of Need for Line 3 as the reason for ousting Kelley. Last month, the Walz administration followed the science and Department of Commerce’s expert analysis that Enbridge had not demonstrated a need for the tar sands pipeline, and continued with the legal challenge, which was initiated under the previous administration. 

Removing agency heads to settle political scores has become a pattern for the Minnesota GOP. In August, in an action Republican House Minority leader Kurt Daudt described as “executing a prisoner,” Senate Republicans fired DOLI Commissioner Nancy Leppink to retaliate for her actions to protect workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

At the same time, Republicans have failed to take action to pass a bonding bill that would invest in Minnesota’s people, infrastructure and economy.  

In response, Sierra Club North Star Chapter Director Margaret Levin released the following statement: 

“We condemn the Minnesota GOP for their cynical and shameless action to fire Commissioner Kelley as retaliation for acting in the best interest of Minnesotans. Senate Republicans should be more focused on doing their own jobs, rather than punishing Commissioner Kelley for doing his. Clearly they are more interested in settling scores and advancing fossil fuel interests than governing and advancing critical legislation to invest in Minnesota communities. It is reprehensible to play political games with the agencies that are working tirelessly to protect and serve Minnesotans.” 


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