COVID-19 Grifts, Evasions and Sneaky Maneuvers

By Marya Hart co-founder Jamie Henn has complied a jaw-dropping list of fossil fuel COVID-19 grifts in the works. These include new laws criminalizing fossil fuel protests, the EPA indefinitely suspending enforcement of environmental and health regulations, big oil company bailouts, and the unrestrained construction of oil and gas pipelines with no federal safety enforcement.

In Minnesota too, there are troubling developments. The Minnesota Pollution Control Authority refused to extend its public comment period on the Enbridge pipeline by more than one week, and is giving polluters "flexibility" in following laws to protect public health and the environment. And the agency is being less than transparent in its process. If you have a few minutes to spare between zoom calls and home-schooling, call on Governor Walz and MPCA Commissioner Bishop to put people before polluters.