Isolated but Not Alone

Dear Sierra Club Community,

In Minnesota we know, no matter what we look like, where we live, or what’s in our wallets, this critical moment in history reminds us that we’re all human. We are all connected, sharing one planet and our fates are tied together. Without question, the way we pull through this pandemic and economic crisis is together, or not at all.

Isolated but not Alone graphic

The Sierra Club’s mission is to protect the human and natural environment. Our environment is more than just beautiful landscapes; it is also the world that surrounds us: the air we breathe, the water we drink, the communities where we live. It's critical that we rise in solidarity through public health emergencies such as the one we are currently facing.

The COVID-19 crisis doesn’t impact everyone equally, however, and it also exposes underlying divisions in our society. Corporate greed has led us directly into the crisis we are all facing now, where millions of Americans don’t have the healthcare they need to get well, the time off to stay home, or the resources to survive an economic downturn. Hourly workers who are losing pay, people in the service, care, and hospitality industries, other fields dominated by women and people of color will be hit hardest by COVID-19 and the economic fallout.

Our system has never worked for all of our communities, and now is our chance to fix that.  Read about our collective Minnesota COVID response here.

It is in moments of crisis that new narratives, new policies and new social behaviors are established.

Right now, we are coming together to do more --- to not only make it through this crisis, but  build a joyful future where everyone can live safe, happy and healthy lives.

We know everyone is feeling this differently and has different needs. Below are ways for you to engage, if that is possible for you, and some resources you might find helpful. Bottom line -- stay safe.

photo of Lake Superior at sunrise, photo credit: Chuck Dayton

Lake Superior at Sunrise, photo credit: Chuck Dayton

Advocate from Home

Our legislators here in Minnesota are deciding how to spend billions -- and corporate lobbyists are still talking to them. They need to hear from us too. We think short personal emails are most effective.

The MN Pollution Control Agency refuses to put on hold considering permit applications from Enbridge for their Line 3 tar sands pipeline.

We are also hosting phone conversations with legislators, and working on more ways to engage.  


Stay connected.  
Socially distant and safely connected.  In times of crisis we rely on each other, in this time some of us will be learning new tools to do that. Whether to connect to other activists or to build skills to stay connected with your family, here is a guide for Zoom Video & Phone Meetings.

And, if after reviewing that, you still have questions about navigating video and phone conference calls, or if you would like to set up a practice session on Zoom before your actual conference, please email our friendly volunteer Delaney Russell to set up a time with her ( She's happy to help walk you through this.

Get Outside.  
You need to stay safe and healthy. For many of us this means getting outside, in a place where we can safely stay 6 feet apart. A great option might be your neighborhood park or even parking lot (staff member Mary's family has enjoyed puddles in the empty parking lot near their home).  

For those of you seeking a bit further afield, state parks and lands remain open.

And check out fellow Sierra Club volunteer, Ellie Krueger's, blog about her three favorite parks and how an introvert is handling the crisis.

Kids at Home?
40+ indoor toddler activities, and Sunrise School - climate activism for youth at this moment.

Please message us if you have questions or other ideas to share here.

The Sierra Club has always found ways to do work together, and we'll always support each other. There is breadth and power in our base being unified by shared values and connected strategies, regardless of where and how we gather.

The Sierra Club Team in Minnesota