Sierra Club Endorses Duluth City Council Candidates


Contact: Wesley Sisson,

Duluth – Today the Sierra Club North Star Chapter formally announced its endorsements in the Duluth City Council Races for 2019.

Endorsements were awarded to Mike Mayou for City Councilor at Large, Gary Anderson for City Councilor in the First District and Roz Randorf for City Councilor in the Third District.  

Sierra Club Endorsement Seal

Wesley Sisson, Member of the Sierra Club Duluth Political Committee, had this to say about the candidates: 

“Mike Mayou, Gary Anderson, and Roz Randorf impressed us with their understanding of the urgency around protecting our water, lands, air and climate. They understand that Duluth residents thrive when we have a healthy environment. Mayou, Anderson, and Randorf all offer passion for values that Sierra Club members share. Sierra Club is excited to back these campaigns in the general election on Tuesday, November 5th and we’re excited about what we’ll be able to achieve for the people of Duluth by working with these candidates as City Councilors.”

Endorsement decisions were made after a process of questionnaires, interviews, research and deliberation. Issues of concern included clean air and water, transportation, environmental justice, pesticides, the Husky Refinery, plastic pollution, sulfide mining and renewable energy.

All three candidates expressed a strong commitment and support for these important issues.

Gary Anderson, for City Councilor in the First District
Gary Anderson
for City Councilor
in the First District

Mike Mayou, for City Councilor at Large
Mike Mayou
for City Councilor at Large

Roz Randorf for City Councilor in the Third District
Roz Randorf
for City Councilor
in the Third District



The Sierra Club is America’s oldest, largest, and most influential grassroots environmental organization. Learn more about the national Sierra Club. 

The Sierra Club North Star Chapter is the Minnesota branch of the national Sierra Club.  We are 80,000 Minnesotans empowered to protect our communities’ well-being through environmental protection. We share the National Sierra Club’s commitment to equity, inclusion and justice.


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