Mateo Trujillo: North Star Sierran Spotlight

Mateo Trujillo

This month, we are spotlighting Mateo, whose videography work to inspire others to join in fighting for our planet will be shared later in July.

1. What brought you to the Minnesota (North Star) Chapter of Sierra Club?

Necessity is the mother of invention.

As a former climate change skeptic, it was this idea that led me to your organization – the realization that, even if the scientific community was wrong, that we as a society stand to gain more from attempting to mitigate the threat than by ignoring it.

You want to turn a climate change skeptic? Remind them that nothing was ever invented in the void. Remind them that if we had lived with our heads buried in the sand, we would have remained as flightless as the ostrich. Remind them that to do nothing is indecision, the true enemy of bravery. But most of all, remind them that there is no harm in humanity becoming more self-aware; both of itself, and the impact it has on the world at large.

We owe it to ourselves, and to those that follow, to evolve.

2. What are you most proud of from your work?

The video promo I'm about to finish is coming along nicely. I'm excited for you all to see it.

3. Why do you keep volunteering with Sierra Club?

Nothing makes us believe more than fear, the certainty of being threatened. The problem is, when we have our backs to a corner, all our actions and beliefs start becoming legitimized, however questionable they may be. I know I have to act in support of our planet, but I'm not sure how to do it in a conscientious way. That's why I volunteer with the Sierra Club - because I need a community to learn from, and perhaps more importantly, to keep me in check.

4. What’s one thing you wish more people knew about Sierra Club?

That we're on the right side of history. Our descendants aren't going to care about how comfortable we were as the world went up in flames around us – they're going to care that we took action, and put aside our immediate welfare to give future generations the same shot at the world that we had.

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